Scholarship and Award Application is available now!
Download Application by clicking the link below:

Make All The Difference Scholarships and Awards recognize students for whom alternative education has made all the difference.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Linda Rice at or
Tom Schulte at
Thank you for your interest in the Make All the Difference Scholarships!
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.”
from “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
In education, as in other walks of life, the traditional paths are the ones most traveled. In school, for
example, the majority of students “travel” from kindergarten through grade 12 in regular education, graduate and go to college or directly into the workforce.
There is another road, one less traveled. Along that road you will find students who, by choice or
circumstance, are in alternative programs, such as career and technical education, special education, alternative high school and high school equivalency programs. There are not many scholarship opportunities for students graduating from such programs. The Monroe 2-Orleans Educational Foundation funds scholarships and awards for students for whom alternative programs have “made all the difference.”
The nature of what the Educational Foundation aspires to celebrate is unique. Make All the
Difference applicants are not asked to measure themselves against a single standard of achievement and potential. Rather, they are asked to show how alternative education has made a significant difference in their lives, how they have made a difference for themselves, and how the partnership between themselves and their eligible programs will make a difference for their future. Make All the Difference Scholarships and Awards recognize outstanding examples of how the convergence of alternative education programs, dedicated staff, and engaged students can Make All the Difference in a student’s life, in ways that general education is not designed to do.
Each year, the Monroe 2-Orleans Educational Foundation Board determines the total number of
scholarships and awards. Typically, the Board authorizes a total of at least twelve scholarships and
Recipients receive comprehensive information and directions upon notification of their being selected.
About the Scholarships
Scholarships reimburse recipients for expenses related to post-secondary education or training and are for a maximum of $5,000. Up to 50% of the total scholarship is available per semester. The amount of a scholarship for any one student must be used within two years.
Scholarships may be applied toward tuition, books, supplies, room and board, specialized services, or other needs approved by the Foundation Board. In all cases, recipients need to provide documentation of how the scholarship monies will be used before funds will be approved and released. Final decision of the eligibility of any expenditure is at the discretion of the Foundation Board. Recipients must be enrolled in post-secondary education or training to receive funds.
Continued eligibility over the disbursement period will depend on:
The recipient’s status as a continuously enrolled student in the post-secondary program for which the scholarship was awarded. Scholarship disbursements may be adjusted based on enrollment status.
The recipient’s demonstrating that he/she is using the funds appropriately for eligible expenses
for which the scholarship is intended.
About the Awards
Awards reimburse recipients for expenses related to post-secondary professional apprenticeships and are for a maximum of $1,000. Awards may be applied toward equipment, tools, or other expenses directly related to the apprenticeship. In all cases, recipients need to provide documentation of how the award monies will be used before funds will be approved and released. Final decision of the eligibility of any expenditure is at the discretion of the Foundation Board. Recipients must be employed in a postsecondary apprenticeship to receive funds. With proper documentation of eligible expenses, the entire award up to $1,000 is available in one disbursement. The amount of an award for any one student must be used within two years.
Review Committee
The Educational Foundation Board annually designates a Scholarship Review Committee, comprised of representatives from the following groups: the Monroe 2-Orleans Educational Foundation Board of Directors, component district superintendents and Boards of Education, the BOCES 2 Board, and BOCES 2 administrators. The Scholarship Review Committee is charged with reviewing applications for Make Allthe Difference Scholarships and Awards using the selection criteria created by the Board, and recommending recipients to the Board.
The Monroe 2-Orleans Educational Foundation is committed to improving educational success for
students continuing in post-secondary education or training. To that end, the Foundation will occasionally ask Make All the Difference Scholarship and Award recipients for information about their post-secondary experience. Information received is treated confidentially. No information will identify individual students. The recipients’ participation in providing the information will help achieve the goal of improving access to educational success.
Fund Management
The Monroe 2-Orleans Educational Foundation Fund is overseen by the Monroe 2-Orleans
Educational Foundation Board of Directors and is maintained by the Rochester Area Community

Natalie P.
"I had no idea what my future would look like…Now I have many wonderful ideas for the future. This includes attending college and continuing with my passion for baking."

This is one of the biggest goals I’ve set in my life and if I couldn’t accomplish it I wouldn’t only be letting my family and my teachers down but myself. I am so proud of myself and I don’t want to stop feeling that way.

These accommodations have given me the tools I need to self-advocate and utilize in pursuit of all my adventures. all the people involved this program have made me a better student and has given me the opportunity to let my intelligence shine.